About Me


I'm Callen, 37 years old from Minnesota and this is my personal site. I work in an on-site tech support position at a school as well as doing some live production work so my life is pretty well saturated with technology. I'm your standard geek interested in gaming and shiny new toys. I am also involved in the furry fandom.

Surprisingly enough, I've found a love for working in tech support. (I know, I'm crazy!) I'm agoraphobic and while it's mostly under control it keeps me from being out in the world as much as I'd like, so I spend a lot of time finding quiet areas to pursue my own interests. I attribute this as one of the reasons I focus so much on technology in my life. I am also fascinated with the methods of making TV and movies and I'd like to be involved in the field more.

Likes: Archery, Electronics, Science Fiction, Reading, Miniatures Games, Board Games, Comics, Dragons, Nature and Science Documentaries.

All content and code, unless otherwise specified, is copyright 2004 - 2018 Callen Magnuson.

mmmh... spam...